Deploying a Vite App to GitHub Pages

tags: [ViteGitHubGitHub Pages]

The Starting Point

I’ll assume that you already have a Vite application, and that you’re just trying to deploy it to GitHub pages. I’ll also assume that you have the project repository set up on GitHub.


The only additional dependency we’ll need is gh-pages, you can install it with one of:

npm install --save-dev gh-pages
yarn add -D gh-pages # if you're using yarn
pnpm add -D gh-pages # if you're using pnpm

Create the following file:

// scripts/gh-pages.js
import { publish } from "gh-pages";

    branch: "gh-pages",
    dotfiles: true,
    repo: "<your github repository url>",
    user: {
      name: "<your name for git>",
      email: "<your email for git>",
  () => {
    console.log("Deploy Complete!");

This script will use gh-pages to deploy the application to the gh-pages branch, so that we don’t mess up the main branch with the bundled files. Then, add the following deploy script to your package.json, and modify the build script:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "vite build --base='./'",
    "deploy": "\"$npm_execpath\" run build && \"$npm_node_execpath\" ./scripts/gh-pages.js"

The --base='./' argument ensures that Vite will prefix asset links with "./" instead of "/", which is required since GitHub pages will deploy your site to a sub-route of https://<github username> Finally, create an empty .nojekyll file in the public/ directory of your project. This will prevent GitHub from trying to transform the repo with Jekyll. Then, to deploy the site, run:

npm run deploy # or yarn or pnpm

Your site should now be available at https://<github username><repo name>/. If it isn’t, refer to the following section.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Ensure the build is actually being created by checking for the gh-pages branch on the GitHub repository.
  2. Make sure the build actually works: fetch and check out the gh-pages branch then try serving it with something like python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000.
  3. Check your repository’s pages settings under Settings > Pages, and ensure that the branch is gh-pages, and the directory is / (root). If things are working correctly, the page should display: “Your site is published at https://<github username><repo name>/”.


Much of the boilerplate for this article came from, so check it out if you’re running into issues. Note that it was not written with Vite in mind though, so the --base'./' fix is not mentioned.